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Makroekonomska politika i upravljanje javnim finansijama. Program podrške rukovodiocima partnera Projekta za bolje uslove poslovanja. Robne berze i tržište kapitala. 26102017 - Javni dijalog na temu alternativnog načina finansiranja MSP u Srbiji. 20092017 - Srbiji su potrebni alternativni izvori finansiranja. Makroekonomska politika i upravljanje javnim finansijama.
Best Seed Producer je doradni centar za proizvodnju i plasiranje semenske robe. Naša osnovna delatnost je dorada i pakovanje semena ratarskih kultura. Best Seed Producer je geografski smešten u samom srcu Vojvodine i leži na najplodnijem zemljištu i jednoj od najvećih žitnica jugoistočne Evrope.
Conference Republic has worked with the largest global companies that operate in the SEE region. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Anti-Crime, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Terrorism. Youth, Student and Sport Issues. The Danube Initiative and Strategy Center. Each of them liaises with similar think-tanks and institutes across the world and issues reports on the state of affairs in thei.
Kreativno mentorstvo afirmiše mentorstvo kao alat ličnog i profesionalnog razvoja, jača kapacitete sektora kulture i pruža podršku perspektivnim profesionalcima zainteresovanim za usavršavanje, umrežavanje i razmenu znanja i iskustva. Želimo da izgradimo, okupimo i podržimo zajednicu motivisanih i društveno odgovornih pojedinaca koja će doprineti razvoju društva zasnovanom na kreativnosti, kulturi, znanju i međusobnoj saradnji.
Welcome to Naumović and Partners. The Law Firm founded in 1995 by Zoran Naumović. Meet all Our Team Members. Read blog and the latest news. Naumović and Partners Law Office. Krunska 77, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Omnicom Solutions is constantly looking for experienced developers. Proactive approach, innovation and quality are recognized and stimulated. Omnicom is Silver Application Development Microsoft Partner. Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Yotube integration and API based development.
Giving Back to the Community. Corporate Ethics and Transparency Committee. Leadership and Talent Development Advisory Committee. US - Slovenia Business Bridge. The Voice of the International Business Community.
Join us and sponsor this exciting celebration of a fun American holiday! Rule of Law Initiative. Unique chance for talented students to apply for the Mentor Network Program. Connection magazine on your mobile devices. The official magazine of AmCham Slovakia is now available on your mobile devices! Business Service Centers Conference.
HYATT REGENCY DUSHANBE INTRODUCES FREE WIFI FOR ALL GUESTS. The founding members of AmCham Tajikistan are Orienbank. AmCham bodies exist in approximately 140 countries around the world and AmCham Tajikistan is both happy to be part of this prestigious global network and also pleased to work under the AmCham Brand. AmCham has no affiliation with U. Government or any of its components, however AmCham maintains an active collaborative relationship.
Subcommittee on Agriculture and Food Processing. Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee. Tourism and Hospitality Industry Committee. Business Mixer on May 19, 2015. APCAC Washington Doorknock event in June. BKS Air Astana Marathon Astana.